MARK JEFFERY                                                                             COLLABORATION


heiswerking (2011)

part of the exhibition "Mutualisms"
September 9 - September 25, 2011
Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3219-21 S Morgan St.
Chicago, IL
Opening: Friday September 9, 6 -10PM

For this work, the artists (1 American, 1 American/British, 1 Danish/Dutch) created video, performance-based and net-art responses to a box of 50 year old love letters sent between Chicago and Amsterdam and discovered in the basement of the Chicago artists' home. The found archive was used as an intermediary for creative exchange.

The artists over several few months sent emails of scanned love letters from 1957, talked about construction and houses, blueprints and penmanship, bloodmixing and Barons as a container for inquiry. On the way via Rune they meandered through the eyes of Ophelia and took a walk through Rembrandt and Humboldt Park.

Rune Peitersen Video
Judd Morrissey Net Art
Mark Jeffery Performance
Video Camera: Catherine Pancake
Editor: Joey Carr

Mutualisms is a collaborative curatorial project organized by Lise Haller Baggesen and Kirsten Leenaars, exploring the ways in which networks of friendship and artistic collaboration can be used as a model for curating. ‘Mutualisms’ is looking into artistic strategies for finding hospitality and exchange in the context of contemporary art practices as well our own social domain. Eight Dutch and eight American artists/artist duos were paired and worked together to create a collaborative presentation of their works. Iris Kensmil & Carol Jackson, Rune Peitersen & Mark Jeffery & Judd Morrissey, Marjolijn Dijkman & Lora Lode/Kevin Kaempf, Jonas Ohlsson & Selina Trepp, Magnus Monfeldt & Harold Mendez, Maurice Bogaert & Trevor Gainer, Caroline Stikker/ Philippine Hoegen & Aron Gent and Saskia Janssen/George Korsmit & Adelheid Mers.

Mutualisms Symposium: Art and Reciprocity
Sunday September 11, 1-5 pm
At Co-Prosperity Sphere, 3219 -21 South Morgan Street, Chicago

As part of the group exhibition "Mutualisms" Erik Hagoort and Caroline Picard organized a symposium that took place on Sunday 11th of September from 1-5pm. That Sunday the artists participating in "Mutualisms" together with guests from Chicago (Kevin Kaempf, Jason Pallas, Anni Holm, Abigail Satinsky, Mary Jane Jacob and Karsten Lund) and Holland (Philippine Hoegen, Marjolijn Dijkman, and Rune Peitersen) will gather at the CoProsperity Sphere to address the theme of Art & Reciprocity.


© Mark Jeffery 1994 - 2013